I offer a limited number of unguided hunts in southwestern Alaska. Unguided hunts should not be taken lightly. In my career, I have witnessed several experienced hunters/outdoorsmen be overwhelmed by the Alaskan wilderness. I have also seen several hunters come out early because they were not physically and mentally ready for the challenge. Don't let this happen to you.
That being said, an unguided hunt in Alaska is one of the most rewarding hunts an avid hunter can experience. You should consider this type of hunt if you are in excellent physical fitness, have a “can-do” attitude, practical hunting experience, and possess excellent wilderness survival skills such as map reading, first aid, camping, and orienteering. When done, you will be able to say that you guided yourself hunting on the Last Frontier.
I will fully outfit you with enough food and gear for the duration of your hunt. I supply modern gear in excellent working condition. I will provide a gear list for you. When you are compiling your gear, do not be tempted to bring the same kind and quantity of gear you would take on a Rocky Mountain elk hunt. Don't be afraid to call me with questions like this and I will do my best to get you squared away.
Non-guided hunter groups will need to make a $500 gear deposit to cover lost or damaged gear. If the gear is returned and not damaged, the full gear deposit will be refunded. Non-guided hunters must also view a video about legal animals and meat care. I will send you the video and a form to sign and send into the State of Alaska. You cannot go into the field until the State receives your signed form.
Fully outfitted unguided hunts allow you to take moose, wolverine, wolf, and black bear. You cannot take brown bears on an unguided hunt. Fishing may be available for no extra cost.
Email or call me at 605-887-3561 (landline) or 605-228-8162 (texting and cell) to discuss a hunt with Guided Alaska Hunting.
When researching a hunt, you should ask to speak with ALL of the clients who hunted the same time you are considering hunting the previous year. It is foolish to consider booking a hunt with an outfitter before you speak with hunters who have hunted the same time and place during the previous season. It is important to know ahead of time what you are getting for your money. I am proud of the attention I give each client before, during, and after the hunt. Most importantly, DON'T CONSIDER BOOKING A HUNT WITH ANYONE THAT IS NOT WILLING TO GIVE YOU PHONE NUMBERS AND/OR EMAIL ADDRESSES OF ALL OF THEIR CLIENTS FROM THE PREVIOUS YEAR.
If you're looking for the best opportunity to take a beautiful Alaska moose, look no further. You can look further, but then come back and look at my hunt to see why this is a fantastic chance to fill your freezer with great meat and put a giant head in your wall. Nobody sets you into a better place or sets you up for a better experience look over everybody else, but compare their opportunity to mine.
I offer a limited number of unguided hunts in southwestern Alaska. An unguided hunt in Alaska is one of the most rewarding hunts an avid hunter can experience. You should consider this type of hunt if you are in moderate to excellent physical fitness, have a "can-do" attitude, practical hunting experience, a good to excellent marksman, and possess solid wilderness skills.
I fully outfit you with enough food and gear for the duration of your hunt. I supply modern gear in excellent working condition. I provide a gear list for you. Contact me to get my gear list and food list and compare both to my competitors. You are coming to hunt, you are not coming to eat. But the food some outfits send you out with is starvation rations A hunting camp runs on its stomach, don't just take the outfitters word for food.get their list.
Non-guided hunter groups will need to make a $500 gear deposit to cover lost or damaged gear. If the gear is returned clean and undamaged, the full gear deposit will be refunded. Non-guided hunters must also view a video about legal animals and meat care per Alaska regulations. It's a great video.
Fully outfitted unguided hunts allow you to take moose, wolverine, wolf, and black bear. You cannot take brown bears on an unguided hunt. Fishing may be available for no extra cost.
Email or call me at 605-887-3561 (landline) or 605-228-8162 (texting and cell) to discuss a hunt with Guided Alaska Hunting.
When researching a hunt, you should ask to speak with ALL of the clients who hunted the same time you are considering hunting the previous year. It is foolish to consider booking a hunt with an outfitter before you speak with hunters who have hunted the same time and place during the previous season. It is important to know ahead of time what you are getting for your money. I am proud of the attention I give each client before, during, and after the hunt. Most importantly, DON'T CONSIDER BOOKING A HUNT WITH ANYONE THAT IS NOT WILLING TO GIVE YOU PHONE NUMBERS AND/OR EMAIL ADDRESSES OF ALL OF THEIR CLIENTS FROM THE PREVIOUS YEAR. The price for an unguided black bear hunt is $5,300 to as low as $4,100. The price for an unguided moose hunt is $6,300 to as low as $4,300.
Californian John with a great moose after a long pack back to camp.
The fishing is usually great!
Guided Alaska Hunting
Jim River Guide Service
Willie Dvorak, Owner and Master Guide
Phone: 605-887-3561 (landline), 605-228-8162 (texting and cell).
If you call in August or September I will be off the grid guiding in remote Alaska. In this case use my landline, it will be forwarded to my cell or my wife Julie’s cell, whomever is available. Leave a message. She talks with me via satellite phone everyday. My communication skills are excellent most of the year but it is challenging when I’m off the grid. Please use patience during August and September, it will be worth it.
Offering guided Alaska hunts for grizzly brown bear, black bear, moose and more. We also provide guided fishing, unguided hunts, and combo hunts.
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